How it works


To Give a Gift Of Money follow these easy steps:

  1. 1. Click Give
  2. 2. Input the UNIQUE GYFTmoni POT number of the person you want to gift money to.
  3. 3. Fill in some of your details and choose the AMOUNT you want to gift.
  4. 4. Write a message (optional)
  5. 5. Confirm and Checkout/Send

(The details we ask for allow a ‘Message’ and a ‘Thankyou’ to be sent ….and are also needed to comply with anti money laundering legislation.)


To Receive Gifts Of Money follow these easy steps:

  1. 1. Register with GYFTmoni.
  2. 2. Buy a £2 GYFTmoni Pot with the account you want the Gifts Of Money to go to i.e. with the account in the Registration Form.
  3. 3. We will send you your Unique GYFTmoni Pot Number.
  4. 4. Share your Unique GYFTmoni Pot Number with your friends and Family / Facebook.

(The details we ask for allow a ‘Message’ and a ‘Thankyou’ to be sent ….and are also needed to comply with anti money laundering legislation.)